*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are based on your credit profile. Rates above include available discounts. Rates and terms are subject to change without notice. A 1.50% surcharge is added to base rates on cars exceeding 100,000 miles. A down payment may be required based on your overall credit worthiness. Here’s a list of insurance services offered through various partners that will give you financial protection, peace of mind and possibly some cost savings.
Loan Type Financing Term *APR
Motorcycles Up to 115% of purchase price or appraised value, whichever is lower, plus tax, license, and registration Up to 6 years As low as 6.74% *APR
RVs, Motor Homes, 5th Wheels, Trailers & Tent Trailers Up to 100% of purchase price or appraised value, whichever is lower, plus tax, license and registration Up to 15 years As low as 7.45% *APR
Boats Up to 100% of purchase price or appraised value, whichever is lower, plus tax, license and registration Up to 6 years As low as 7.45% *APR
All-Terrain Vehicles, Jet Skis, Motor Scooters, Off Road Motorcycles and Snowmobiles Up to 100% of purchase price or appraised value, whichever is lower, plus tax, license and registration Up to 6 years As low as 7.45% *APR
Loan Discounts You can lower your rate up to 0.50% by having your payment directly sent to us from your paycheck, or another financial institution or transferred from your Bay Cities checking or savings.
Debt Protection Debt Protection may cancel your loan balance or payments in case of involuntary unemployment, disability or death (Life Plus). Our Life Plus protection covers a range of circumstances which include accidental dismemberment, terminal illness, hospitalization or family medical leave and death of a non-protected dependent.
Guaranty Auto Protection (GAP) GAP insurance pays your remaining loan balance if your car is totaled and your insurance company doesn’t pay your balance in full.
Auto Insurance You may be able to save money on car insurance. Call
1-888-380-9287 or visit them online for your free quote.The Products offered:
Are not federally insured
Are not obligations of the Credit Union
Are not guaranteed by the Credit Union
Involve investment risk
If applicable, are being offered by a dual employee who accepts deposits on behalf of the Credit Union and also sells non-deposit investment products on behalf of a third-party broker